Official website of the Governor of Victoria
Her Excellency Professor the Honourable Margaret Gardner AC

Read about the Governor's Official Travel in June 2024.

From 1 - 15 June 2024, the Governor participated in an Official Visit to the United States of America.

Travel to the USA offered the chance to strengthen cooperation in key sectors including biotechnology, as well as the opportunity to explore closer strategic and economic ties. 

Key themes

Showcasing Victoria's biotechnology sector to the world

Victoria’s unique capabilities have made our State a popular destination for biomedical research and development, with a focus of the Official Visit being to explore the potential to expand US-Australia biotechnology collaboration in the future. 

San Diego was the first stop on the Official Visit as the city hosted the BIO International Convention – the largest event of its kind in the world. 

With more than 70 companies representing Victoria’s biotechnology sector, this year was Global Victoria’s largest ever trade mission to BIO, and an opportunity to promote Victoria’s life sciences ecosystem and attract further two-way investment between the USA and Victoria. 

After speaking at a welcome reception on arrival, the Governor attended and spoke at events for delegates of BIO 2024 throughout the week. 

The Governor also delivered the keynote address as part of a MTPConnect Women in Life Sciences Leadership Panel discussion. 

During BIO 2024, the Governor met with Australia’s Minister for Industry and Science, representatives from American Type Culture Collection (ATCC), and representatives from Brandon BioCatalyst. 

Visits to BioLabs, Illumina, Planet Innovation and the Salk Institute explored further opportunities for Victorian scientific research and commercialisation. 

Travelling to Minnesota, the Governor toured the University of Minnesota Nano Center as well as the Mayo Clinic Innovation Exchange to gain an insight into their approach to medical innovation. 

The Governor was also hosted by Destination Medical Center at an event with affiliated Victorian companies to promote and enhance collaboration opportunities. 

While in New York, the Governor met with representatives from Pfizer to promote further investment opportunities in Victoria. 

Continuing this central theme from this official visit, the Governor also visited the National Institutes of Health to learn about the US Government’s approach to medical research. 

Supporting Victoria's international engagement

Exploring opportunities for collaboration on international engagement was another central focus of this visit. 

While in New York, the Governor met with Australia’s Consul-General in New York and Australia’s Ambassador and Permanent Representative to the United Nations to discuss Victoria’s global and strategic policy priorities. 

The Governor also met with Natasha Stott Despoja AO to congratulate her on her re-election to the United Nations Committee on the Elimination of Discrimination against Women (CEDAW). 

A lunch hosted by the Asia Society offered the chance to engage in some informed conversations about common challenges and opportunities, continuing the Society’s proud tradition of cross-cultural exchange. 

In an increasingly globalised world, informed conversations about common challenges and opportunities are more important than ever.    

The Governor also attended and spoke a Victorian alumni and business networking reception hosted by the American Australian Association. 

In Washington D.C, the Governor toured the new Australian Embassy, where she received a briefing on AUKUS initiatives. 

The Governor also received a briefing from RAND Corporation on geopolitical trends in the Asia-Pacific region, and attended a reception and dinner hosted by Australia’s Ambassador to the USA for The Pew Charitable Trusts at the Australian Embassy. 

Promoting Victoria's interests in the USA

There are many aspects to the Australian and American relationship, and its diversity ensures we will continue to find new avenues through which to connect. 

A focus of the official visit the United States was to explore opportunities for greater collaboration and investment with our international partners. 

During the Official Visit, the Governor met a number of senior officials, including the Secretary of the Maryland Department of Commerce and, later in the trip, the Lieutenant-Governor of Maryland. 

In Minneapolis, the Governor was greeted by the Lieutenant-Governor of Minnesota to discuss the state’s connections with Victoria. 

In November 2023, a delegation of business leaders from Minnesota were part of the US state’s first-ever trade mission to Australia. 

The Governor met with delegates from this trade mission to Victoria, as well as attending a roundtable hosted by Greater Minnesota St Paul Regional Economic Development Partnership. 

These meetings were an opportunity to continue important conversations on collaboration in the medical innovation, research and technology sectors. 

While in New York, the Governor toured the Museum of Modern Art and the High Line to learn more about their projects. 

Travelling into Virginia, the Governor toured the Lockheed Martin Global Vision Center. 

While in Washington DC, the Governor met with Congressman Joe Courtney at the Capitol Building, as well as meeting with representatives from and touring the National Gallery of Art.